The value of the human person and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the light of the Kantian Philosophy




Capitalism, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Human dignity. Immanuel Kant, United Nations Organization


This article analyzes, using the explanatory method, how the concept of person developed over time and on what its dignity is based. For this, it is based on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, about the studies of morals and ethics. It also reviews the historical facts that culminated in the creation of the United Nations and, later, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, relating it to the protection of human dignity. It also highlights the ethical problems that have arisen with the advancement and improvement of the technique and the obstacles to the implementation of fundamental rights norms in different cultures and circumstances. Finally, it is concluded that the main obstacle to the realization of the ideals proclaimed by the Charter of the United Nations is the current capitalist model that ends up demeaning human life and personifying capitalist interests. It also proposes, as a challenge, to remodel the UN's internal system to achieve its objectives.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, G. F., & Jeziorowski , A. C. de F. S. (2023). The value of the human person and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the light of the Kantian Philosophy. Revista De Direitos Humanos E Desenvolvimento Social, 4.


