LGBTQIA+ Public Policies, humans rights and diversity
a necessary synergy
Direitos Humanos, Diversidade, Movimento LGBTQIA , Políticas públicasAbstract
The central axis of the article is to analyze public policies from the perspective of human rights and diversity, seeking, at the same time, to understand the importance of the Brazilian LGBTQIA+ Movement in this context. Preliminary to the subject mentioned above, some essential categories are analyzed for a better understanding of the theme, such as sexualities, gender, and identities. In the meantime, the question is: what is the contribution of the Brazilian LGBTQIA+ Movement in the field of LGBTQIA+ public policies? In order to seek to answer the question posed, we sought to study the performance of the Brazilian LGBTQIA+ Movement as a tool for the search for rights and equity for individuals who do not fit into the binary gender system, read male/female, passing through some advances of the segment from the perspective of public policies. The adopted methodology mixes analysis and interpretation. Through the analysis, the aforementioned concepts are clarified, paying attention to their interconnections. Through hermeneutics, these concepts are interpreted for an understanding in which cracks are opened for the perspective of LGBTQIA+ public policies and the performance of the Brazilian LGBTQIA+ Movement as a potentiator of the search for guaranteeing diversity and dignity for LGBTQIA+ individuals.
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