Considerations on the approach to women smokers by healthcare professionals
Smoking cessation, Women, Health personel, SmokingAbstract
Subtle, but significant distinctíons exist in the treatment of smokers of both genders. When compared to men, women have some additional difficulties, which make quitting more of a challenge. The aim of this study is to discuss the approach of patients who smoke. Treatment of smokers is based fundamentally on a cognitive-behavioral approach, with the aim of informing them about the risks of smoking and the benefits of giving up, moüvating and supporting them during
the process of quitting, helping smokers deal with the abstínence syndrome, psychological dependence and the conditioning associated with the habit of smoking. It is important to determine the level of dependence for each smoker, the level of motivation for quitting, the conditions and duration (time period) of
exposure to tobacco, as well as to differentíate between mere experimentation and regular cigarette use in order to adequately evaluate smokers and counsel them as best as possible, preparing them to abandon their habit. and following up after they have quit smoking. This approach can be supported by medícations which reduce the symptoms of the abstinence syndrome. This cognitive-behavioral treatment encompasses five steps (the five A’s): Asking, Assessing, Advising,
Assisting and Arranging (follow-up).
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