Fatty acid profile and trans fatty acid content of chocolate flavor filled biscuits
Fatty acids, Trans fatty acids, CookiesAbstract
Since children and adolescents eat a lot of cookies, this study determined the fatty acid composition, especially trans fatty acids, of chocolate sandwich cookies and verified if
their amounts had been reported on the label as required by the legislation
After the lipids were extracted from the cookies and esterified, their fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography.
The saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acid content in 100 grams of cookies (eight samples from four brands, two batches per brand) ranged from
4.57g to 9'33g, 2.74g to 6.78g, and 0.32g to 6.499, respectively. The saturated fatty acid contents of brands A and B were higher than those reported on the respective
labels. On the other hand, the trans ísomer contents of the study brands and batches,
presented greater variatians, ranging from 0.05g. 100g-’ for sample C2 to 3.52g.100g1 for sample Al
The amount of trans fatty acids in the chocolate sandwich cookies varied greatly, and only brands C and D may be labeled “zero trans" according to the Brazilian law.
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