Effects of concurrent training on health variables of hypertensive women
Physical fitness, Exercise, HypertensionAbstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a ten week physical exercise program on maximum consumption of oxygen, body composition and neuromuscular parameters in hypertensive women
Fifteen women with mean age of 63.7t5.1 years took part in the study.
Results showed that an exercise an program of two weekly sessions of resistance training (2 sets of 20 repetitions with a resistance equivalent to 50% of one maximum
repetitÉon) combined with aerobic training at 50% of maximum consumption of oxygen
session was enough to increase maximum consumption of oxygen from 19.51t3.01 to 25,4t3.47 (p<0.001 ); strength of handgrip from 21,6t5.69 to 25,26ü4,42 (p=0.001 ) and flexibility from 18,53t7,68 to 20,86 (p=0,01).
Such findings reinforce the importance of physical exercise programs to reduce risk factors and improve the quality of life of hypertensive people.
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