Range of motion and measure of functional independence in patients with mastectomized axillary dissection
Postoperative complicatíons, Lymph node excísion, Physiotherapy, Modified radical mastectomyAbstract
To evaluate the influence of preoperative physÊotherapy in range of motion in the shoulder and the functional independence measure in women who undergoing modified radical mastectomy and axíllary limphadenectomy.
Pilot study of randomized clinical trial with 14 women divided into control group (n=7) and intervention group (n=7). Assesments occured in the preoperatíve, immediate postoperative (jth postoperative) and late postoperatíve period (15tF:
postoperative) and were carried out through physical therapy evaluation forms and functÊonal independence measure. For the intemention group was performed preoperaüve physical therapy by kinesíotherapy on shoulder. For control group
were given information through the booklet as interventíon preoperatively.
The average age of women found in the control group was 61.It14 years and the intervention group was 64,3tll. l years (p=0.65). Observed that the movement of abduction showed a higher deficit of range of motion than the others groups, With respect to functional independence measure observed a significant difference (p<0.05) in scores preoperatively and 15th postoperatively day
The preoperative physiotherapy has an important role in the recovery of shoulder movements and greater functional independence in activities of daily living.
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