Vascular endothelium. Part I
function and property
endothelium vascular-thendency, vaso motor system, homeostasis, vasoconstrictor agents, vasodilator agentsAbstract
TIte vascular endotltelium is a layer of alim cells that
covers the luminal surface of all the blood vessels. At
present we have observed that its function is not only of
a simple passiva diffusion barrier between the elemens
of the circulating blood and the interstitial tissue. The
intactendothelium provides a non-thombogenic interface between the vessel and the blood elements, favors vasodilatation in different stream conditions and parietal sress, besides promoting repairs in injured areas. Its integrity is essential to the regula Lion of blood stream and protection against thrombolysis. The endothelium can be considered the largest paracrim organ of the w}tote body, wich respond to many stimulus, locally producing and secreting, a wide number of metabolically active compounds, whicll act in NeibIlboring cells. The objective of this revision is to expose modern concepts of dlis important organic system.
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