The contribution of Alvarenga-Durozier sing in the differntial diagnosis of aortic regurgitation


  • Roberto Abdalla Filho Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
  • Sandra Aparecida Ferreira Silveira Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
  • Sílvia Santos Carvalhal Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


sign, aortic valve insufficiency, reverse arterial flow, heart murmurs, Alvarenga-Durozier sign


The authors call the attention to a semiological sing of simple verification, which is the Alvarenga-Durozier sing (presente of double murmur in the femoral arteries, detected by a stethoscope, in the differencial diagnosis between aortic regurgitation and other diseases which are able to incrase the defferential arterial pressure, like the artherosclerosis, especially when the heart ausculatation is dubious. This sing can also be used in the differential diagnosis between the aortic regurgitation and the pulmonary regurgitation, when simultaneously with mitral stenosis, there is a diastolic murmur in the heart base focus. To illustrate, it was carried out an ecodopper study in two patients, demonstrating that there was retrograde blood flow in asrteries only in the cases in which the Alvarenga-Durozier sing was present. Therefore, this sing represents an esy and efficient way of proving the retrograde blood flow; which occurs in moderate and severe aortic regurgitation.


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How to Cite

Abdalla Filho, R., Silveira, S. A. F., & Carvalhal, S. S. (1995). The contribution of Alvarenga-Durozier sing in the differntial diagnosis of aortic regurgitation. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 4(3). Retrieved from



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