Knowledge of breastfeeding among students in the last year of medical school


  • Márcia Regina Vítolo
  • Elizabeth Accioly
  • Denise Ely Belloto de Moraes
  • Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini


breast feeding, knowledge, attitudes, practice, medical education


This work aimed to evaluate the knowledge about breastfeeding of students in the last period of the Medical Course in Greater São Paulo. A questionnaire was applied to 134 students from 4 private and public educational institutions in São Paulo, containing open and objective questions about breastfeeding, according to its main thematic areas. The results revealed that 96.3% received information about CIS advantages of breastfeeding in their respective courses. The management of some clinical situations achieved a good success rate. However, the discussion of practical situations commonly related to early weaning in our country was mentioned by less than two thirds of those interviewed, and only 36.6% stated that they had received information about the prevalence of breastfeeding in our country. The percentage of correct answers per thematic area was 14.2% for practical situations; 16.4% For breastfeeding techniques; and 20.0% for the composition of human milk. Furthermore, by thematic area, the best performance was on lactation physiology and legislation, with an accuracy rate of 41.0% and 47.0%, respectively. The results of this study suggest the need to rethink the teaching of breastfeeding in our medical schools in order to adapt it to national needs, taking into account the role of the doctor in encouraging this practice.


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How to Cite

Vítolo, M. R., Accioly, E., Moraes, D. E. B. de, & Franceschini, S. do C. C. (1998). Knowledge of breastfeeding among students in the last year of medical school. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 7(1). Retrieved from



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