Anti-inflammatory activity of Arnica montana
arnica montana, anti-inflamatory agents, plant extracts, medicinal plantsAbstract
Due to the almost non-existence of studies regarding Arnica at the systemic level, this study aims to prove the anti-inflammatory activity of Arnica montana. The Arnica montana solution used in this experiment was obtained from Arnica tincture. 88 Wistar rats were used; adults (150-200g), and were divided into three groups receiving, orally, a volume of 0.2ml/100g, for the control group:
distilled water with Tween, used to dilute the Arnica solution; in the experimental group: Arnica montana solution (10mg/ml) at a dose of 20mg/kg; in the positive control group: corticosteroid (Betamethazone) at a dose of 1mg/kg. After 60 minutes of treatment, the displacement of the mercury column was measured, caused by immersing the rat's right hind paw up to the lateral malleolus. The formation of edema, caused by the administration of 0.1 ml of formaldehyde, was also evaluated by displacement of the column of
mercury, at times: 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes after injection of the phlogistic agent. The results were expressed as differences in volume displaced between time zero and subsequent times. Arnica montana showed anti-inflammatory activity when it caused a reduction in the edena of the rat's paw caused by formaldehyde in relation to the control group of around 49.2; 40.6; 37.5; 37.9 and 33.7% at 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes respectively after edema induction. This action was less than that of the corticosteroid in the first hour (73%) and practically the same in the subsequent hours (91, 97 and 90%). It was also possible to observe that the animals showed similar behavior to the control group, not demonstrating toxic effects of Arnica at the dose used.
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