
  • Elisabete Matallo Marchesini de Pádua
  • Rosibeth del Carmen Muñoz Palm


occupacional therapy, education, methods, occupational therapy methodological research, curriculum


The objective of this article is to present, based on a documentary research and on professors reports, the steps of the construction of the Monograph Orientation project, developed in the Medical Sciences Faculty of the Pontificia Universidade Católica de Campinas — PUC Campinas, through the discipline Research Methodology, among the professors of the Occupational Therapy Department, responsible for the thematic orientation and the professors of the Auxiliary Philosophical Disciplines Department, responsible for the methodological orientation. The impact of this process on the curriculum of the Occupational Therapy Course brought remarkable results referring to the curricular reorganization, to the professors improvement projects, to the production of innovative monographs on the area and to the organization of a bibliographic list of reference books to assist the course. In this way, at the same time that man gave a step forward on the systematization of a methodology for the individual orientation of the scholars, man built up an alternative proposal that considers the scientific criteria on the monograph evaluation, as well as the scholars process in the different moments of the knowledge construction and the articulations between theory and praxis. As conclusion this article shows new indicators for the thinking over the pedagogical praxis and the improvement of the process of curriculum development.


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How to Cite

Pádua, E. M. M. de, & Palm, R. del C. M. (2000). MONOGRAPH IN THE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY COURSE: AN EXPERIENCE WHICH IS WORKING OUT. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 9(1). Retrieved from



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