
  • Milva Maria Figueiredo De Martino
  • Maria Filomena Ceolim


chronobiology, circadian rhythm, shift work, nursing


Knowledge of the worker's chronotype (morning/evening characteristics) can help define periods of better performance, optimizing the quality of work. In this study, our objectives were to characterize a group of nurses from two teaching hospitals in the State of São Paulo in terms of chronotype and identify possible associations between chronotype and work shift and cities of the subjects studied. III nurses participated (average age 29.2 years; 1 10 women and one man), 95.5% of whom worked during the day and 4.5% at night. Data were collected using the Brazilian version of the Morning and Evening Identification Questionnaire by Horne & Ostberg. The predominance of the "indifferent" chronotype was found (53.2%), followed by "moderately morning" (45.0%), "moderately evening" (0.9%), "extreme morning" (0.9%) , and absence of the "extreme afternoon" type. There was no significant correlation between age and chronotype (Spearman R=O.0176, n.s.). The 'moderately morning' nurses mostly worked in the morning (1 2= 7.05, p<0.005), and the "indifferent" nurses mainly worked in the afternoon (1 2= 6.8 1, p<0.005), suggesting adequacy between shift and chronotype. Based on these preliminary data, it is suggested that longitudinal monitoring is essential for a better discussion of issues such as adaptation to working in different shifts and job satisfaction, in the light of chronobiology.


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How to Cite

Martino, M. M. F. D., & Ceolim, M. F. (2001). CHRONOTYPE EVALUATION OF A GROUP OF NURSES FROM UNIVERSITY HOSPITAIS. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 10(1). Retrieved from



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