
  • Dario Palhares
  • José Antônio Rodrigues
  • Luciano Magno Rodrigues


back pain, low back pain, occupational therapy


Therapeutic exercises have been shown to be very effective in treating chronic low back pain. The complexity of this musculature requires a broad and varied approach. Therefore, a study was carried out with the objective of describing and systematizing therapeutic exercises for the abdomen and lumbar spine.
The study included 94 individuals, aged 15 to 64 years. The studied population participated in a program from the Clube dos Previdenciários de Brasília aimed at postural correction. The formulation of the exercises followed the classic description according to the steps of Isadore Brown.
The results were satisfactory, the exercises were safe and well tolerated and could be grouped according to the movement pattern.
Considering the wide availability and the results described, it is pertinent to use exercises for the spine and abdomen as part of the set of rehabilitation practices and as a way to improve the individual's quality of life.


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How to Cite

Palhares, D., Rodrigues, J. A., & Rodrigues, L. M. (2002). DESCRIPTION OF THERAPEUTICAL EXERCISES FOR THE LOW BACK. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 11(3). Retrieved from



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