Comparison Between Three Techniques Of Pyschological Intervention For The Treatment Of Fibromyalgia: Stress Control Training, Progressive Relaxation And Cognitive Restructuring


  • Karina Magalhães Brasio
  • Diana Tosello Laloni
  • Queila Pierre Fernandes
  • Thais de Lima Bezerra


fibromyalgia, psychological disorder, psychological intervention, intervention studies, cognitive therapy


Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome with unknown etiology, characterized by musculoskeletal pain that affects several areas of the body. Due to the lack of organic changes, the presence of psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, lack of assertiveness and irrational beliefs seem to influence its onset and maintenance.
Compare the effectiveness of three psychological intervention techniques: Stress Management Training, Progressive Relaxation and Cognitive Restructuring.
21 female patients with fibromyalgia participated, from the Rheumatology Outpatient Clinic of a University Hospital in the interior of São Paulo, randomly divided into three groups. Group I participated in Stress Control Training; Group II underwent Progressive Relaxation and, in Group III, Cognitive Restructuring was performed. The patients received simultaneous medical treatment and were contacted through an interview and submitted to the application of the Stress Symptoms Inventory, Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Inassertiveness Levels Survey, Irrational Beliefs and the Visual Analogue Scale.
They revealed that the three techniques made it possible to reduce the level of stress; the reduction of anxiety and depression and the development of assertiveness. They also revealed that none of the techniques proved to be significant in reducing the perception of pain.
The controversies regarding the etiology of this disease are confirmed and the need for further work is raised to verify the most effective type of intervention.


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How to Cite

Brasio, K. M., Laloni, D. T., Fernandes, Q. P., & Bezerra, T. de L. (2003). Comparison Between Three Techniques Of Pyschological Intervention For The Treatment Of Fibromyalgia: Stress Control Training, Progressive Relaxation And Cognitive Restructuring. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 12(4). Retrieved from



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