Nutritional Aspects Of The Amputees' Soccer Player
nutritional aspects, nutrition, soccer, amputees, motor activityAbstract
Amputation is defined as the removal of one or more limbs, or part of them, caused by different factors. In addition to the benefits to the body, the practice of physical activity plays an important role in the rehabilitation of physically disabled people, especially in improving self-esteem. Football is one of the most popular sports in the world, and although amputee football is not yet known to the general public, Brazil is a three-time world champion in this sport. The lower limb amputee requires greater energy consumption for locomotion. Consequently, playing football, which requires moderate to high intensity training, considerably increases energy expenditure. Therefore, nutrition plays a fundamental role in the athlete's performance and quality of life. The objective of the present work is to review the literature on appropriate nutritional management for maintaining and improving the health and sporting performance of amputee football. As a result, the literature dealing with the main nutrients related to the appropriate diet for sports practice was addressed. It was concluded that, despite the importance of nutritional assessment in the detection, prevention and treatment of possible nutritional deficiencies, the literature regarding the nutrition of athletes with physical disabilities is scarce.
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