Nutritional education program for low income mothers In a professional qualification process: Study on the effects in the family diet composition
food consumption, food habits, diet, nutrition educationAbstract
To understand the food purchasing profile of low-income mothers, living on the outskirts of the city of São Paulo, before and after participating in a professional cooking and confectionery techniques course with nutritional education components.
The sample studied involved 19 mothers of low socioeconomic status living in the sub-district of Jabaquara, São Paulo, enrolled in the Cooking and Confectionery Course of the National Commerce Learning Service, comprising the exposed group. For this group, nutritional education content was included throughout the course. Other 1 Mothers, living in the neighborhood of Penha, São Paulo, comprised the control group, which also participated in the Cooking and Confectionery Course of the National Commercial Learning Service, but without the nutritional education components. The methodology used to investigate food purchases by families consisted of a monthly food consumption survey. Differences with p values lower than 0.05 (5%) were considered significant.
No significant differences were observed in the purchase of food from energy, construction and regulatory groups after the educational intervention. However, there was a significant decrease in purchases of superfluous foods in the exposed group after the course.
The differences found suggest that this can be an efficient intervention in determining food purchasing patterns, and can help combat nutritional deviations.
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