pregnancy complications, weight gain, pregnancy in adolescence, obesity, nutrition programmesAbstract
To give nutritional and dietary orientation to obese pregnant women and to contrai weight gain during gestation, as well as to analyze the pregnancy evolution and perinatal results
A descriptive and prospective study was performed with data from 52 women presenting pre-gestational obesity (body mass index=36, 6kg/m2) carried out at
the Nutrition and Dietary Service of the Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher from the State University of Campinas, São Paulo, from March 2002 to September 2003.
ln average, the weight gain among the pregnant women that joined the program was 7.5kg; the total weight gain during pregnancy was 1 O.5kg with a 403g per week of gain. High frequencies of gestational diabetes (19.2%), hypertensive disease caused by gestation (17.3%), macrosomia (15.3%) and cesarean section (57.7%) were also observed. Other maternal and neonatal studied conditions were not more frequent than those observed in the general population.
ln obese pregnant women a high prevalence of gestational diabetes and hypertension were observed and cesarean section and macrosomia rates were also high. A nutritional intervention had a good effect on the weight contrai of the pregnant women and most of them benefited from the diet. This validates nutritional contrai programs as therapeutic adjuvant in pregnancies complicated by obesity.
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