
  • Tânia Mara Cardoso de Oliveira
  • Cecília Santos de Oliveira
  • Felicia Campos Perez
  • Mariana Campanhã
  • Marina Damha Hipólito
  • Tatiane de Lima Fuentes Andrades


Breast feeding, wesaning, health sevices



To study the proportions in breastfeeding patterns and factors associated with weaning in primigravidas.


A cross-sectional study was carried out in the Chi/d Care Out-Patient Clinic of the Hospital and Maternity Celso Pierro, /ocated in the suburb of Campinas. From September 1, 2000 to August 37, 2007, 254 questionnaires were app!ied to primigravidas who were awaiting an appointment and whose children aged from 6 to 12 months. Surviva! analysis was used to ca/culate the prevalence and median duration of breastfeeding patterns. Prevalence ratio was used to measure the association strength, with a confidence interva! of 95%. Logistic regression ana!ysis was used to identify risk factors associated with early weaning.


The general breastfeeding median was of five months and of exclusive breastfeeding, it was of one and a half months. Overall breastfeeding índices were good (98.4%) and exclusive (91.7%) only in the first month of life, with a sharp decrease in the second month. On the fourth month of /ife, only 28. 7% of the mothers were breastfeeding exc!usively, 50% were mostly breastfeeding and 61.8% were genera!!y breastfeeding. At the end of the first year, only 31.8% of the mothers were sti/1 breastfeeding. Factors associated with ear!y breastfeeding were: delay to take the chi/d to a health service, low family income, breastfeeding difficu!ties at home and working out.


The data obtained indicate the need to adopt measures that will motivate and promote breastfeeding for two years and exclusive breastfeeding for six months.



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How to Cite

Oliveira, T. M. C. de, Oliveira, C. S. de, Perez, F. C., Campanhã, M., Hipólito, M. D., & Andrades, T. de L. F. (2006). BREASTFEEDING PATTERNS ANO FACTORS THAT INTERFERE IN EARLY WEANING AMONG PRIMIGRAVIDAS. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 15(1). Retrieved from



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