photogrammetry, elderly, institutionalize, postureAbstract
To study the possible relationship among postural adaptations, postural oscillations, fali rate and age.
5ixteen elderly of both genders participated in the study. They were divided into two groups according to age: 60-70 years (M=65.37, 50=4.06) and 71 to 80 years (M=73, 50=6.44). The participants were institutionalized and presented no neuro!ogical disorders. They were independent in their dai!y routine. Data were obtained by postural assessment and analysis of anterior-posterior osci//ation by computerized photogrammetry. The existence of an association among
osci//ations, fali rate and age was assessed by the x2 (p 0.05).
The results suggest that 100. 0% of the subjects of both groups show scoliosis, e/avie/e asymmetry, pe!vic asymmetry and plane foot. The group 60/10 years showed 75.0% lumbar rectifications, 85% thoracic hyperkyphosis and 65.0% abdominal protrusion, and 100.0% of the group 71 /80 years showed ali the postural alterations above. The degrees of anterior-posterior postural oscillations for individuais who reported falis in the /ast year were 12.2% (60-70 years) and 69.2% (71-80 years) greater than those individuais who did not present falis. The statistical test pointed to significant differences in the oscil/ation degrees related to the fali rate (p<0.000) and according to age (p<0.000).
lt was found that the degrees of body osci/lations were influenced by o/d age as wel/ as the postural adaptations, producing falis in the institutionalized elderly.
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