Clinical-cognitive profile of the elderly seen at Hospital Geral de Areias, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil


  • Karla Cybele Vieira de Oliveira Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
  • Alcidézio Luiz Sales de Barros Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
  • Gleicy Fátima Medeiros de Souza Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


Cognition, Epidemiology Aged, Memory


The objective of this study was to determine the clinical profile and cognitive impairment
of a group of elderly.
The mini Mental State Examination and the Clinical Dementia Rating were used in 48
elderly patients, of both genders, aging from 60 to 90 years, who participate in the
Program of Care for the Elderly of the Hospital Geral de Areias, Recife, Pernambuco,
from April to August 2006.
The studied population consisted mostly of females (85.4%) aging from 70 to 79
years (56.2%) with no formal education (14.6%) or less than 4 years of formal education
(62.5%). Hypertension (81.2%) was the most common morbidity; however the
occurrences of diabetes (20.8%), Cardiopathies (8.3%) and hypothyroidism (8.3%)
were low. Smoking (18.8%) and alcoholism (8.3%) rates were also low, and there were
no family or personal histories of Alzheimer or Down syndrome. Head injury was
found in 2,1% of the group and stroke in 6,2%.
Analysis of cognitive impairment revealed a correlation between performance in the
mini Mental State Examination and the amount of formal education received: elderly
with less formal education achieved a significantly lower score (p<0.001). However,
this same correlation was not found with the Clinical Dementia Rating. The results
obtained suggest that the mini Mental State Examination is more sensitive since it can
capture significant information regarding the performance of cognitive functions.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, K. C. V. de, Barros, A. L. S. de, & Souza, G. F. M. de. (2007). Clinical-cognitive profile of the elderly seen at Hospital Geral de Areias, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 16(3). Retrieved from



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