Digital Humanities and the Sustainable Development Goals

a reflection for Information Science



Digital humanities, Projects, 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals


This study aimed to investigate Digital Humanities projects that may be aligned with the 17 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals. The study is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive research, and as for its investigative procedures, it is a documentary research, which analyzed 40 Digital Humanities projects. We have found that approximately 51% of the analyzed projects carry out actions and services that contemplate SDG 11, especially target 11.4 aiming to strengthen, protect and safeguard cultural heritage. Digital Humanities projects are the practice of combining emerging digital and computational tools with humanistic studies,
and they can be aligned with all SDGs in an interconnected and interrelated way.


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How to Cite

Geraldo, G., Bisset-Alvarez, E. . ., & Dias de Souza Pinto, M. . . (2023). Digital Humanities and the Sustainable Development Goals: a reflection for Information Science. Transinformação, 35, 1–15. Retrieved from


