Survival of patients with advanced cancer in Enteral Nutritional Therapy
a comparison between caloric estimates
Palabras clave:
Enteral nutrition, Neoplasms, Palliative care, Quality indicators, health care, SurvivalResumen
To assess factors related to the achievement of the caloric estimates of enteral nutritional therapy and the survival of patients with advanced cancer in exclusively palliative care.
Retrospective study, where patients using enteral nutrition admitted from March 2019 to February 2020 were divided into two groups: Group 1 included patients who reached 75% of the estimated caloric goals, and Group 2 included those who did not. The data were extracted from the patients’ electronic medical records. Logistic regression analyzes were performed to assess associations between the studied sociodemographic, clinical, and nutritional variables, and the Kaplan-Meier curve and Cox regression were used to assess the survival of the groups.
A total of 158 patients participated in the study, with a median age of 63 (IIQ: 55-70) years. 57% reached the caloric goal (Group 1). In the logistic regression, the functional capacity (OR: 5.82; CI: 2.28-14.84; p<0.001) and symptoms of nausea or vomiting (OR: 0.050; CI: 0.005-0.455; p=0.008) were independent variables for achieving the caloric goal. Cox regression showed Karnofsky Performance Status as an independent predictor for survival (HR: 1.85; CI: 1.13-3.04).
Patients with better functionality have longer survival and are potential candidates for reaching the caloric goals proposed by national and international guidelines for cancer patients.
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