Healthy and Safe School Cafeteria Program

a randomized controlled study


Palabras clave:

Food and nutrition education, Nutrition policy, School feeding, School health services, Snacks



To assess the effect of an educational intervention program focused on health risk conditions, based on an assessment of the hygiene and quality of food sold in school cafeterias.


This is a controlled, parallel, randomized, two-arm, community study. Public and private schools with cafeterias were invited to participate. This study was conducted in 27 school cafeterias in northern and northwestern Rio Grande do Sul, a state in southern Brazil. Representatives of the school communities in the intervention group received an educational program consisting of 160-hour distance training. The most relevant outcomes were the assessment of the hygienic conditions and composition of the menus sold in school cafeterias. All outcomes were analyzed as intention-to-treat and per-protocol. For the analysis of continuous data with normal distribution, an analysis of covariance and the Generalized Linear Model were used. The level of statistical significance considered was p<0.05 for a 95% CI.


No statistically significant difference was observed between the intervention group and the control group in the studied outcomes. There was a reduction of 76.2 points in the score for hygienic handling conditions (95% CI: -205 to 357; p=0.581). Regarding menu composition, the difference between groups was 0.48% (95% CI: -2.69 to 3.64; p=0.760) for ultra-processed foods, 0.23% (95% CI: -1.13 to 1.60; p=0.740) for processed foods, and 1.02% (95% CI: -2.59 to 4.64; p=0.581) for fresh foods.


There is not enough evidence to conclude that the intervention had a positive impact on any of the outcomes studied.


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Cómo citar

BALESTRIN, M., KIRSTEN, V. R., & WAGNER, M. B. (2023). Healthy and Safe School Cafeteria Program: a randomized controlled study. Revista De Nutrição, 35. Recuperado a partir de

