Consumption of nutritional supplements by teenagers attending gyms supplements and exercise in teenagers
Palabras clave:
Adolescents, Nutritional supplementation, Physical activityResumen
To describe the supplements used by adolescents in gyms in the city of São Paulo and the factors related to their use.
Participants were 1,012 adolescents of both sexes, aged between 13 and 18 years old, all of them regular regulars at gyms in the city of São Paulo. For data collection, a questionnaire was used to identify the main supplements consumed by adolescents. The chi-square test was used to verify possible associations with a significance of p<0.05.
The use of supplements was more frequent in the age group between 16 and 18 years, in the socioeconomic level B, and the use of these supplements was higher as the time of exercise in the gym was longer (>12 months). The amount of exercise modalities practiced in the gym was inversely associated with the use of supplements. Male adolescents consumed significantly more supplements than females, and Physical Education professionals, friends and parents were the ones who most influenced adolescents to use supplements. The main supplements used by the boys were carbohydrate gel (90.9%) and hypercaloric (94.5%). In girls it was fat burner (55.0%) and vitamins and minerals (50.0%).
The use of supplements was common among adolescents who exercise in gyms in São Paulo and the indication was made by physical education professional.
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Cómo citar
Derechos de autor 2023 Fabio Luis CESCHINI, Carine Danielle Ferreira Costa LEITE, Roberta Luksevicius RICA, Adriano Fortes MAIA, Aylton José FIGUEIRA JÚNIOR, Danilo Sales BOCALINI

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