Factors associated with perception of the current silhouette and body image dissatisfaction in adults with obesity


Palabras clave:

Body image, Body dissatisfaction, Exercise, Obesity


To verify the factors associated with the perception of current silhouette and body image dissatisfaction in adults with obesity.
Cross-sectional study derived from the baseline of a randomized clinical trial. The perception of current silhouette and dissatisfaction with body image, defined by the difference between the perception of current and ideal silhouette, were obtained from a scale that ranged from one (smallest silhouette) to nine (largest silhouette). The independent variables investigated as associated factors (crude and adjusted linear regression) were: sex, age, skin color, body mass index (kg/m2), percentage of body fat, level of physical activity, and food intake.
Sixty-nine obese individuals (body mass index ≥30kg/m²) were studied, 42 of whom were female and with the following mean values: 34.7 (±7.2) years; 33.5 (±2.8) kg/m², and current silhouette of 6.6 (±0.9). All were dissatisfied with their excess body weight. The categories associated with a perception that matched the current silhouettes were male sex, white skin color, and higher body mass index values when compared to female sex, non-white, and lower body mass index values, respectively. Regarding body image dissatisfaction, white people had lower scores than those with other skin colors.
Being male, having white skin color, and having a higher body mass index were risk factors for the perception of larger body silhouettes, while only non-white skin color was associated with dissatisfaction with body image.


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Cómo citar

STREB, A. R., VIEIRA, C. G., SILVA, C. S. da, Bertuol, C., VARGAS, P., & DUCA, G. F. D. (2023). Factors associated with perception of the current silhouette and body image dissatisfaction in adults with obesity. Revista De Nutrição, 36. Recuperado a partir de https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/10219

