
  • Marina Vieira da SILVA Universidade de São Paulo


infant food, school feedIng, protein-energy, malnutrition, dietary proteins, nutritional status


The contribution of the meal given to basic cycle students of the Public Educational System was evaluated in comparison with the daIly recommendations of energy and nutrients. The study was carried out in seven State schools in Piracicaba - São Paulo Brazil. The weighing of food served in the school meal was used as a means to obtain data, during a period of five days. The energy and nutrient contribution of the meal was calculated on an
average "per capita" basis, in comparison with the nutritional standard defined by FAO/OMS/UNU (1985) and NRC (1989) The nutritional quality of the meal was also analyzed, through the "Nutritional Quality Index”. The results show that the meal offered to students contributes with approximately 30% of the total daily energy recommendations and 100% of the daily protein recommendations for the group of 7 and 8 year old students
Concerning vitamins, the average meal contribution is of 40% except for vitamins C (25.9%) and A (38,1 %). Concerning calcium, the average composition of the meal is observed to fulfill 30% of the total recommended for the group, it is verified that the school meal contributes. on the average, with 16.3% of the total recommended iron intake. The results of this study point out the need to correct failures in the nutritional content of the school meal, which is a really important supplement in the feeding of the students.


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How to Cite

Vieira da SILVA, M. . (1996). CONTRIBUTION OF THE SCHOOL MEAL TO THE ENERGY AND NUTRIENTS INTAKE OF BASIC CYCLE STUDENTS. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 9(1). Retrieved from

