
  • Rossana Pacheco da Costa PROENÇA Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


institutional feeding, food services, “just in time, catering, contract services, organization and administration, management


The objective of the study is to analize the vlability of application of the Just in Time (JIT) philosophy in Catering. ThIs philosophy, which is considered a combination of technology and administration practice coming from a Japanese organizational model, represents a system able to optimize the use of the capital resources, equipment and manpower of a productive process The methodology that was made use of was the consultation of the available bibliographic references in comparison with the reality of a catering operation. The canclusion of the analysis is that the JIT principles can perfectly be applied in productive units for food service. Its basic objectives, defined as the total elimination of the losses and the quality as the main factor, as well as the notion of the internal commitment of suppliers and customers considered essential by the philosophy, seem to correspond to
the organizational needs of this sector. It is considered that the application of the principles defined by J IT can. as the example of what is occurring in other productive systems, increase the flexibility and productivity of the catering in the attainment of its main objective which is the satisfaction of the customer. 


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How to Cite

Pacheco da Costa PROENÇA, R. . (1996). “JUST IN TIME” IN CATERING: AN INTRODUCTORY STUDY. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 9(1). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/9886

