Can birth weight influence nutritional status, physical activity levels and health-related physical fitness levels of children and adolescents?
Motor activity, Infant, low birth whight, Nutritional status, ProgrammingAbstract
Heath-related physical fitness is defined as a set of physiological attributes that are necessary for performing daily physical activities without excessive fatigue. Physical activity and nutritional status can influence the individual’s physical fitness levels directly. However, the appropriate supply of nutrients in early life is crucial for the growth and development of organs and systems. Birth weight is associated with intrauterine development and to the incidence of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Recently, birth weight has been associated with health-related physical fitness levels. The underlying mechanism may be related to the effects of insults that occur during a critical period of human development, with changes in the standard cellular events. The acquisition of mature physiological body patterns and the occurrence of metabolic events are affected, resulting in impaired physical fitness. The present study proposes an analysis on physical fitness, nutritional status and birth weight. The keywords used were: physical fitness, programming, physical activity, nutritional status and low birth weight. In conclusion, low-birth weight individuals present changes in the nutritional status which have a negative impact on physical activity and health-related physical fitness.
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