Insights from the first meeting of coordinators of nutrition graduate programs in Brazil


  • Gilberto KAC Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Eliane FIALHO Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Sandra Maria Chaves dos SANTOS Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Ana Marlucia Oliveira ASSIS Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, nutrition, graduate studies


The need to share experiences coupled with an interest in constructing a network for communication among graduate programs in nutrition led to the first national conference of coordinators of graduate programs in
nutrition held at Salvador in June, 2006. This report presents a summary of the major issues debated at the conference that were formulated towards strengthening these programs and the area of nutrition in general
both technically and politically. The participants agree on the need for improvement in the process of recruiting
students, avoiding inbreeding but giving special attention to those already engaged in undergraduate research
projects. A consensus was that the programs should choose potential thesis advisors carefully, with emphasis
on the quality and regularity of the intellectual production. It was considered important to structure the programs so as to allow students to work fulltime on the masters/PhD program. An analysis of factors that lead to successful publication of research results highlighted the importance of a creative approach to relevant topics using valid methodology. It was proposed that the programs should define an agenda of relevant research issues for the nutrition area. A successful graduate program in nutrition was defined as one that integrates project funding, recruitment of students with a vocation for research, and selection of professors with the ability to teach, develop relevant research projects and publish in refereed journals. In the political arena, the participants agreed to create a formal organization capable of representing and strengthening collective interests in the area of nutrition.


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How to Cite

KAC, G., FIALHO, E. ., Chaves dos SANTOS, S. M., & Oliveira ASSIS, A. M. . (2023). Insights from the first meeting of coordinators of nutrition graduate programs in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 19(6). Retrieved from

