Energy expenditure and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption of resistance exercise


  • Cristiane MATSUURA Laboratório Crossbridges
  • Cláudia de Mello MEIRELLES Universidade Gama Filho
  • Paulo Sérgio Chagas GOMES Universidade Gama Filho


oxygen consumption, weight loss, exercise, overweight


The increase in energy expenditure through physical activity is recognized as an important component in weight loss programs. The impact of resistance exercise, including excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (correspond to the post-exercise energy expenditure), on energy expenditure, however, remains inconclusive.
The purpose of the present review was to discuss the influence of the resistance exercise variables (intensity, rest interval, movement velocity, number of sets, and type - circuit or continuous) on energy expenditure
during and after an exercise bout. The excess post-exercise oxygen consumption mechanisms were also discussed. The innumerous possibilities of combinations among resistance exercise variables result in a wide range of energy expenditure values for an exercise session (approximately between 3 to 10kcal·min-1). Nevertheless, volume appears to be determinant in the energy expenditure of resistance exercise itself, excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, on the other side, may be affected by exercise intensity. The manipulation of resistance exercise variables may affect the metabolic processes underlying excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, including resynthesis of high energy phosphates stores, resaturation of oxyhemoglobin and oxymyoglobin, thermogenic effects, lactate removal, increased protein turnover, and effects mediated by sympathetic activity. In conclusion, it might be advisable to use low intensity and high volume exercises in a
training session for untrained and overweight subjects. However, trained individuals could benefit from more intense resistance exercise, due to the effects of intensity on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. Thus,
nutritionists should consider the effects of resistance exercise on total energy expenditure in order to prescribe
effective diets for weight loss purposes.


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How to Cite

MATSUURA, C. ., de Mello MEIRELLES, C. ., & Chagas GOMES, P. S. (2023). Energy expenditure and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption of resistance exercise. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 19(6). Retrieved from

