Afro-bahian diet, stress and exercise


  • Mírian Rocha VÁZQUEZ Universidade do Estado da Bahia
  • Ramon dos Santos EL-BACHÁ Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Concepción Ávila ORDÁS Universidad de León
  • Emile Barreto RIBEIRO Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • José Gerardo Villa VICENTE Universidad de León
  • Luiz Erlon Araújo RODRIGUES Escola Baiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública


diet, oxidative stress, exercise


The aim of this study was to observe the protective role of a diet based on the culinary culture of Bahia State against an oxidative stress induced by strenuous exercise in 17 young and healthy individuals.

Meat, palm oil, fruit juices, roots, manioc flour and cereals are the main constituents of this diet. Dietary control had a span of four months. Before the dietetic regime started blood samples were collected from each individual both at rest and also five minutes after a bout of strenuous exercise. Samples were collected again both at rest and after the bout of strenuous exercise at the end of the dietary intervention.

The oxidative status was assessed measuring catalase and superoxide dismutase activities in erythrocytes, and lipid peroxidation in membranes of these cells. These parameters were not affected by the diet when at rest. The strenuous exercise did not interfere with superoxide dismutase activities and lipid peroxidation before and after the dietary intervention. However, strenuous exercise induced an increase in catalase activities before and after the dietary regime (19.49 and 11.74% respectively). Moreover, this effect was significantly (p<0,05) less pronounced (26.11%) as a result of the diet.

These data suggest that antioxidants present in the Bahia State diet can down-regulate the increase in catalase activity induced by strenuous exercise. 


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How to Cite

Rocha VÁZQUEZ, M. ., dos Santos EL-BACHÁ, R. ., Ávila ORDÁS, C. ., Barreto RIBEIRO, E. ., Villa VICENTE, J. G. ., & Araújo RODRIGUES, L. E. . (2023). Afro-bahian diet, stress and exercise. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 19(6). Retrieved from

