Applicability of nutritional screening methods in hospitalized patients


  • Mariana RASLAN Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Maria Cristina GONZALEZ Universidade Católica de Pelotas
  • Maria Carolina Gonçalves DIAS Universidade de São Paulo
  • Fábio Colagrossi PAES-BARBOSA Santa Casa de Misericódia de São Paulo
  • Ivan CECCONELLO Universidade de São Paulo
  • Dan Linetzky WAITZBERG Universidade de São Paulo


Hospital care, Malnutrition, Mass screening, Triage


The prevalence of energy-protein malnutrition in hospitals varies from 20 to 50% depending on the criteria used. Nutritional risk refers to increased morbidity and mortality risk resulting from the nutritional status. Nutritional screening identifies malnourished or at risk of malnourishment individuals, aiming to determine if there is nutritional risk and if a more thorough nutritional assessment is necessary. Meanwhile, nutritional assessment, besides detecting malnutrition, classifies its degree and allows the collection of information that helps to correct it. The nutritional assessment tools most often cited in current literature were reviewed. Nutritional assessment articles were obtained from scientific websites. Among the cited tools, the Nutritional
Risk Screening 2002 stands out. It can be used for all inpatients regardless of their disease or age, does not have additional costs to the service and can be performed by different professionals. It is up to each professional to develop a critical sense and determine his or her preferred technique. 


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How to Cite

RASLAN, M. ., GONZALEZ, M. C. ., Gonçalves DIAS, M. C. ., Colagrossi PAES-BARBOSA, F. ., CECCONELLO, I. ., & Linetzky WAITZBERG, D. . (2023). Applicability of nutritional screening methods in hospitalized patients. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 21(5). Retrieved from

