Proposal of vegetable classification considering nutritional and sensory characteristics and preparation techniques


  • Lúcia Chaise BORJES Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Suzi Barletto CAVALLI Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Rossana Pacheco da Costa PROENÇA Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Classification, Food preservation, Food quality standards, Vegetables, Food technology


This paper presents a classification of vegetables used in foodservices and large-scale meal production, concomitantly correlating nutritional and sensory characteristics and processing techniques. This classification was conceived to be used initially in the Nutritional and Sensory Quality Assessment and together with the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, in order to guarantee the nutritional and sensory quality of meals. The research began by identifying the vegetable classifications available in the literature and their analysis, verifying if it is possible to adjust them to the requirements of the Nutritional and Sensory Quality Assessment system. As none of the classifications presented the necessary characteristics, a new classification of vegetables
was conceived and named Nutritional and Sensory Quality Assessment Vegetable Classification. For this purpose, the characteristics identified in the classifications were crossed until the desired characteristics were simultaneously associated. Thus, the new classification resulted from the association between the classifications of the edible plant part and the carbohydrate content, in addition to the preparation techniques. A total of 99 vegetables were then analyzed and divided into 7 groups. Controlling the interaction between nutritional and sensory aspects and processing techniques, from the purchase to the distribution of the foods, can result in healthier meals. Furthermore, controlling the sensory quality of the foods can influence the selection and
consumption of the prepared foods.


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How to Cite

Chaise BORJES, L. ., Barletto CAVALLI, S. ., & Pacheco da Costa PROENÇA, R. . (2023). Proposal of vegetable classification considering nutritional and sensory characteristics and preparation techniques. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 23(4). Retrieved from