Homemade oral supplements for patients with cancer: descriptive analysis


  • Adriana GARÓFOLO IAG - Assistência, Ensino e Pesquisa
  • Fernanda Rodrigues ALVES Hospital Samaritano de São Paulo
  • Maria Aurélia do Carmo REZENDE Instituto de Oncologia Pediátrica


Nutritional status, Neoplasms, Nutrition, Dietary supplements, Nutritional therapy


This study aimed to describe the development of eight formulations of homemade oral supplements that propose to increase the energy, protein and micronutrient intakes of patients with cancer, analyze its nutritional value and assess its taste using two different fat sources.

The supplements were based on four ingredients: milk, eggs, sugars and oils for nutritional recovery. The formulations were calculated by the nutritional support software NUTWIN. The nutritional value of the formulations was compared with the recommendations for cancer patients for macronutrients and with the Recommended Daily Intakes for micronutrients. The supplements were tested. The supplements underwent taste tests to determine if the patients preferred supplements prepared with oil or margarine.

The amount of energy per milliliter varied from 1.35 to 2.17kcal. The carbohydrate content varied from 39% to 59%, protein content from 11% to 13% and fat content from 30% to 49%, providing roughly 43% and 77% of the recommended energy and protein intake, respectively. The contents of vitamins C and K, folic acid and manganese represented 15% of the recommended daily intakes. More patients approved the taste of the supplements prepared with margarine (85%) than with oil (78%) but the difference was not significant.

Taste tests showed that most patients liked the taste of the supplements. Supplements prepared with margarine had better acceptance. The results suggest that the use of homemade oral supplements can be a viable alternative for people who do not have the resources to buy commercial oral supplements. 


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How to Cite

GARÓFOLO, A., Rodrigues ALVES, F. ., & do Carmo REZENDE, M. A. (2023). Homemade oral supplements for patients with cancer: descriptive analysis. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 23(4). Retrieved from https://seer.sis.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/9388

