Sociodemographic, clinical, and dietary characteristics of overweight adults

a secondary analysis of a population study



Body Mass Index, Diet, Obesity, Overweight


To estimate the prevalence of overweight among Brazilian adults aged 20 to 59, according to sociodemographic characteristics, health-related behaviors, and food consumption.
A cross-sectional study based on data from a population-based survey in a major metropolitan city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, conducted between 2015-2016. Prevalences and prevalence ratios were estimated using Poisson regression; food consumption means were estimated using linear regression.
We analyzed data from 855 adults, 61% of whom were overweight. The prevalence of overweight was significantly higher among males, those aged 30 or older, with 8 to 11 years of education, and those who reported eating more than they should. The body mass index was significantly associated with hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, waist-to-height ratio, taking weightloss medications, overeating, and the habit of checking labels. Overweight adults reported eating meat with visible fat and drinking soda more frequently than those not overweight. Overweight adults reported eating significantly more grams of food daily and had a higher intake of energy, total fat, saturated fats, trans fats, carbohydrates, protein, insoluble dietary fiber, sodium, and potassium. Their diets had a higher glycemic load when compared to participants who were not overweight.

Adults with and without overweight differed in their sociodemographic, dietary, and clinical characteristics. Diet quality was similar between both groups, suggesting a need for improving dietary habits in this population regardless of body weight.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, S. D. L., ASSUMPÇÃO, D. de, HAYASHI, D., FILHO , A. de A. B., SÃO-JOÃO, T. M., & CORNÉLIO, M. E. (2023). Sociodemographic, clinical, and dietary characteristics of overweight adults: a secondary analysis of a population study. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 36. Retrieved from

