Cross-cultural adaptation of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Perceived Nutrition Environment Measures Survey



Environment design, Feeding behavior, Surveys and questionnaires, Translating


The objective of this study was to cross-culturally adapt the Perceived Nutrition Environment Measures Survey for use in the Brazilian context.
Independent translations into Portuguese of the original version and respective back-translations into English were performed. The steps were evaluated by an expert committee and the translated version was applied in a group of both genders, of different ages and education.
After suggested modifications in the translation processes, the expert committee considered that the translated and adapted version presented conceptual and semantic equivalence. The translated version was applied to a sample of twenty people and only one question related to the amount of fat in the food required a new round to obtain understanding and clarity.

We present an adapted version of Perceived Nutrition Environment Measures Survey for the Brazilian context, which has adequate conceptual, cultural, and semantic equivalence, being objective and comparable to the original version. Future studies should confirm clarity, reliability, and validity.


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How to Cite

PIRES, L. D. P., HÖFELMANN, D. A., REIS, R. S., & HINO, A. A. F. (2023). Cross-cultural adaptation of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Perceived Nutrition Environment Measures Survey. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 36. Retrieved from

