Association between glycemic control in different emotional conditions and adherence to carbohydrate counting in people with type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil


Palabras clave:

Behavior, Diabetes Mellitus, type 1, Mental health, Social isolation


Evaluate the association between glycemic control in different emotional perceptions and the adherence to carbohydrate counting by adults with type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil.
This cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (Opinion nº 4,147,663) and conducted in July 2020 using a Google Forms® form. Socioeconomic and demographic data were collected; glycemic monitoring according to the individuals’ emotions at the time of measurement (happy, motivated, or hopeful; stressed or anxious; sad, distressed, or with depressive symptoms); data on adherence to carbohydrate counting and social distancing. Pearson’s Chi-Square test was applied with adjusted residual analysis (p<0.05).
Approximately 64.62% of the 472 participants, had hyperglycemia when stressed/anxious, and 52.97% when they felt sad/distressed/depressive (p<0.000). Associations were observed between having normoglycemia in any emotional situation and performing the carbohydrate counting (p<0.000); perceiving oneself as happy/motivated/hopeful and having hyperglycemia, and not measuring blood glucose was associated with not having the carbohydrate counting (p<0.000); being stressed or anxious was associated with not measuring blood glucose and not having the carbohydrate counting (p<0.000).
The need for multidisciplinary care to enhance mental health and adherence to treatment for people with type 1 diabetes is highlighted.


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Cómo citar

VIANA, V. R., CARVALHAL, M. M. de L., KIKUCHI, J. L. D., FELÍCIO, K. M., & GOMES, D. L. (2023). Association between glycemic control in different emotional conditions and adherence to carbohydrate counting in people with type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Revista De Nutrição, 36. Recuperado a partir de

