Food Iodine Content Table compiled from international databases
Food composition, Food consumption, MineralResumo
In Brazil, there are no data on the iodine content of foods, making it difficult for the population to assess their consumption of iodine. Such information is necessary for public policies aimed at establishing nutritional goals. The objective this article is to construct a table of the iodine content of foods. For the construction of the table, databases from 14 countries were used. The foods used were those listed in the 2008-2009 Household Budget Survey, except those containing added salt, and the doubts about whether or not the food was submitted to any kind of preparation. The compilation of international databases of iodine content resulted in 266 foods, which were grouped into 15 groups. Iodine was also quantified by food group and iodized salt. Data were presented as median, minimum, and maximum. A broad variation in the iodine content of foods was found between countries and inter- and intra-food groups. Those with the highest content were fish and seafood, and dairy products. Regarding salt iodization, these countries followed the recommendation of the World Health Organization, except for Spain, Norway and Turkey. The Food Iodine Content Table can be a useful tool for assessing iodine intake, being important in research on nutritional status, food guidance, and public health programs.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Regina Célia Rodrigues de Miranda MILAGRES, Eliana Carla Gomes de SOUZA, Maria do Carmo Gouveia PELUZIO, Sylvia do Carmo Castro FRANCESCHINI, Maria Sônia Lopes DUARTE

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