Influence of food consumption in the glycemic profile of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes Mellitus
Adolescent, Blood glucose self-monitoring, Child, Diabetes Mellitus, type 1, Food consumptionResumo
To review the dietary intake of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes Mellitus and its association with the glycemic profile.
Longitudinal observational study. Dietary intake was measured using a three-day dietary record and the glycemic profile with a continuous glucose monitoring (range between 70 and 180mg/dL) and serum glycated hemoglobin levels (ideal <7.5%). Anthropometric data, insulin therapy, and carbohydrate counting were collected.
The sample included 34 individuals with type 1 diabetes Mellitus aged 13.6±2.1 years. The majority of the population was eutrophic (76.4%). The entire sample used the basal-bolus insulin regimen, with mean insulin dose of 1.0±0.2U/kg/day; for 44.1% of the sample the carbohydrate counting method was used. Macronutrient sintake was adequate in only 8.8% of the individuals, the highest frequency of inadequacy was related to carbohydrates (p=0.07). Inadequate glycemic control with hyperglycemia episodes and high mean glycated hemoglobin (9.7%) was observed in all individuals (61.3±18.5%). Carbohydrate counting was responsible for maintaining the percentage of time that the patient had interstitial blood glucose values within the range >40% (p<0.001) and maintaining the percentage of time in hyperglycemia <50% (p<0.001).
The majority of individuals were eutrophic, but presented inadequate dietary intake and glycemic control. The method of counting carbohydrates positively influenced the glycemic profile.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Camilla Kapp FRITZ, Andreia Araújo Porchat de LEÃO, Márcia Regina Messaggi Gomes DIAS, Adriane de Andre Cardoso DEMARTINI, Suzana NESI-FRANÇA

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