Nutritional therapy in hospital care of in-patients with Covid-19: evidence, consensus and practice guidelines
Coronavirus infection, Nutritional status, Nutrition therapyResumo
The objective of this work was to review papers that deal with nutritional therapy of inpatients with Covid-19 from the beginning of the pandemic. The survey covered the period until the month of September 2020.
This is a review of the indexed literature (Scopus, Pubmed and Lilacs), including area consensus.
The review showed that the initial recommendations were based on generic assumptions and, as specific knowledge was being produced, the recommendations became more targeted.
In the health crisis generated by Covid-19, in the context of uncertainties related to nutritional care procedures, knowledge and action strategies were generated, coordinated by researchers and health professionals.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Thabata Koester WEBER, Vânia Aparecida LEANDRO-MERHI, Isabela BERNASCONI, Maria Rita Marques de OLIVEIRA

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