Diffusion of scientific concepts on obesity in the global context: a historical review
Adolescent, Child, Obesity, Overweight, ReviewResumo
This article aimed to carry out a historical analysis of the dissemination of the scientific concepts on obesity, overweight and excess weight in the field of nutritional epidemiology in the world. The methodological procedures comprised: (1) Systematic search in the PubMed® database using single keywords and without date filter; (2) Documentary analysis of normative instruments on the websites of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Obesity Federation; and (3) Analysis of the scientific production of scientists participating in the obesity classification of the International Obesity Task Force. The historical analysis showed that, considering the volume of publications on obesity, it appears that in the 1940-1949 decade the problem of obesity emerged on the world scenario. From the number of publications issued in the last 20 years, which corresponds to 85% of the investigated period, we can deduct that scientists’ concern to investigate the subject as a phenomenon coincides with
the World Health Organization declaration of obesity as a global epidemic issued in the year 2000. In accordance with normative procedures established by international organizations, there has been a hegemonic use of the concepts of obesity and overweight, in this order of priority, by scientists worldwide. The concept of excess weight has experienced a relative rise since the year 2000, but its use has been very restricted, expressing dissonance in face of the recommendations of international.
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