Agreement of body weight of older adults measured on digital chair scale and mechanical platform scale
Aged, Anthropometry, Body weight, Hospitalization, Nutrition assessmentResumo
The aim of the study was to evaluate the agreement between the weight of older adults measured on a chair scale and a platform scale.
This is a cross-sectional study. We evaluated 131 older adults (≥60 years old), walk-in patients, admitted to a university hospital. Weight was measured on a digital chair scale model MS5811 (Charder® brand) and after on a mechanical platform scale (Filizola® brand). For the agreement analysis, the intraclass correlation coefficient and the Bland-Altman plot were used.
Most of the sample consisted of males individuals (57.3%; n= 75). The average age was 70.47±7.59 years (60-96 years old). Measured by both methods, weight showed normal distribution. The average weight measured was 67.99±14.03 kg on the chair scale and 68.04±14.02 kg on the platform scale. The intraclass correlation coefficient of weight measured by the two methods was 1.00 (IC95%=1.00-1.00; p<0.001). In the Bland-Altman plot, the mean bias for the weight measured on the chair scale and the platform scale was 0.049 (IC95%=-0.011 to 0.110; p=0.1084).
The agreement between the weight measured on a chair scale and on a platform scale was almost excellent. Thus, the chair scale can be used as an alternative method of measuring weight, especially in the older adults with postural instability, mobility restrictions or immobility syndrome.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maria Luiza Freitas ANNES, Fernanda Beck TABAJARA, Rosane Dias da ROSA, Rita MATTIELLO, Ana Luisa Sant’Anna ALVES, Carla Helena Augustin SCHWANKE

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