Interactive narratives in the investigation of the collective imaginary about motherhood


  • Tania Mara Marques GRANATO Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia como Profissão e Ciência
  • Tania Maria José AIELLO-VAISBERG Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia como Profissão e Ciência

Palabras clave:

Imaginary, Motherhood, Narratives, Psychoanalysis


Considering narration and psychoanalysis as processes of interpreting human experience, a narrative was developed to investigate the collective imaginary about motherhood. It is a fictional story elaborated by the researchers based on their clinical experience with pregnant women. When the interactive narrative reaches a climax, the researcher interrupts the story and invites the participants to complete it. Subsequently, the researcher and participants discuss the addressed topic and their own experiences during the writing process. In the present study, an interactive narrative about a couple which faces the possibility of having a baby with Down syndrome was presented to two groups of undergraduate Pedagogy and Psychology students. The psychoanalytical consideration of the narratives completed suggested expectations of an idealized mother who would accept her child unconditionally despite the implied sacrifice and her own feelings and a strong and protective father, when present. Conceptions of motherhood and its conflicts are discussed.


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Cómo citar

GRANATO, T. M. M., & AIELLO-VAISBERG, T. M. J. (2023). Interactive narratives in the investigation of the collective imaginary about motherhood. Estudos De Psicologia, 33(1). Recuperado a partir de

