From otherness to liberating praxis

The construction of methods for consciousness


  • Maritza MONTERO Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Consejo Académico del Doctorado en Psicología


Alienation, Habituacion, Ideology, Community psychology


In this conference, we present the analectical methods of the ways to produce, in praxis, forceful changes to consciousness: that is to say, the transformation of the conscious in regards to, for example, the unique and everyday manners of producing social situations. In this sense, four ways, each part of everyday life, are defined and analysed: habituation and naturalization, as well as ideologization and alienation, whose basis is affirmed in the first ways mentioned above. At the same time, the characteristics of the analectical method are presented, built in praxis, indicating the possibility of applying the actions to other ways of interpreting everyday life, which are equally alienating



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How to Cite

MONTERO, M. (2023). From otherness to liberating praxis: The construction of methods for consciousness. Psychological Studies, 32(1). Retrieved from