Modeling the construct validity of the Berlin Intelligence Structure Model


  • Heinz-Martin SÜß Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Institute of Psychology I, Psychological Methods, Assessment, and Evaluation Research.
  • André BEAUDUCEL Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, Insitute of Psychology, Methods, Assessment, & Evaluation.


Construct validity, Factors analysis, Validity of the model


The Berlin Intelligence Structure Model is a hierarchical and faceted model which is originally based on an almost representative sample of tasks found in the literature. Therefore, the Berlin Intelligence Structure Model is an integrative model with a high degree of generality. The present paper investigates the construct validity of this model by using different confirmatory factor analysis models. The results show that the model assumptions are supported only in part by the data. Moreover, it is demonstrated that there are different possibilities to incorporate the Berlin Intelligence Structure Model assumptions into confirmatory factor analysis models. The results are discussed with regard to the validity of the Berlin Intelligence Structure Model test, and the validity of the model.


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How to Cite

SÜß, H.-M., & BEAUDUCEL, A. . (2023). Modeling the construct validity of the Berlin Intelligence Structure Model. Psychological Studies, 32(1). Retrieved from

