Evidências de validade do Zulliger-SC em idosos com Doença de Parkinson
Chronic disease, Old age, Projective techniques, Psychological assessmentAbstract
The ethical principles of psychological assessment include the need to use reliable tests to meet the demands of the emerging population. Therefore, the present study sought to provide evidence of validity of the Zulliger Comprehensive System (Zulliger Test in the Comprehensive System) considering the constructs: self-perception and interpersonal relationships. A total of 61 older adults of both sexes participated in the study; 30 had Parkinson’s disease (clinical group) and 31 were healthy (non-clinical group). The clinical group showed an increase in the following variables: Human detail (p = 0.02, d = 0.50); Morbid responses (p = 0.025, d = 0.62); Vista responses (p = 0.016, d = 0.72), Food Responses (p = 0.021, d = 0.61) and Decrease in human detail fictional (p = 0.012, d = -0.65) and in Personalized Responses (p = 0.003, d = -0.48). There was a positive relationship between the Zulliger Test in the Comprehensive System variables and age, income, and disease severity and a negative relationship between the Zulliger Test in the Comprehensive System variables and time since diagnosis. The results obtained confirm the validity of the Zulliger Test in the Comprehensive System and encourage further studies.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Margarete RIEN, Silvana Alba SCORTEGAGNA, Jucelaine Bier Di Domenico GRAZZIOTIN, Telma Elita BERTOLIN
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