Desempenho escolar ao término do ensino fundamental I: contribuições da inteligência, linguagem e funções executivas


  • Natália Martins DIAS Centro Universitário Fundação Instituto de Ensino para Osasco, Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Psicologia Educacional.
  • Alessandra Gotuzo SEABRA Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento.


Cognition, Education, Evaluation, Learning


There are several variables that are associated with and that can influence school performance. The present study investigated the following: 1) the relationship between school performance and intelligence, language, and executive functions; 2) explanatory models for school performance. A total of 87 students in 5th grade of elementary school, attending a public school in São Paulo State, Brazil (mean age = 9.72, standard deviation = 0.58), participated in this study. The participants were evaluated in terms of intelligence, language (phonological awareness and vocabulary), and executive functions (attention, cognitive flexibility, and working memory). Bimonthly grades were collected at the end of the school year. Results revealed significant correlations between school performance and all measures, except for attention. Students’ performance on the cognitive tests explained up to 66% of their grades. Intelligence, language, and executive functions are associated with school performance, but language and executive functions, especially cognitive flexibility, can be considered as stronger predictors of performance in 5th grade. These findings can assist in the design and implementation of intervention programs to promote these skills.


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How to Cite

DIAS, N. M., & SEABRA, A. G. (2023). Desempenho escolar ao término do ensino fundamental I: contribuições da inteligência, linguagem e funções executivas. Psychological Studies, 34(2). Retrieved from