Conceptions of autonomy in different age groups
Autonomy, Human development, Beliefs (nonreligious), Age groupsAbstract
Autonomy and relatedness are universal tendencies developed during ontogenesis in parallel with distinct psychosocial stages. Autonomy is understood as a psychological need that includes relatedness and proximity to others. The aim of the present study was to analyze the beliefs and ideas about autonomy in different age groups. A total of 110 subjects participated in this study: 10-13yo children; 15-18yo adolescents; 20-50yo adults; over 50yo adults. Participants answered a socio-demographic questionnaire and a question about evocation of words or phrases related to autonomy. Using Thematic-Categorical Content Analysis, ten categories were proposed, and the answers were classified according to them. Differences between age groups were found, and the categories denominated Independency and Sense of Freedom were the most frequent. The results suggest the development of a continuous process with identity construction occurring throughout the life cycle.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Lucia SEIDL-DE-MOURA, Luciana Fontes PESSÔA, Deise Maria Leal Fernandes MENDES, Dandara de Oliveira RAMOS, Ana Carolina Monerat FIORAVANTI-BASTOS, Rafael Vera Cruz de CARVALHO, Luciana BROOKING, Tânia Abreu da Silva VICTOR

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