Presentation Thematic section

Psychological Assessment


  • Tatiana de Cássia NAKANO Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia como Profissão e Ciência


This issue of the journal Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) includes a thematic section on Psychological Assessment raising important questions about this field that has been steadily increasing in Brazil, especially in recent decades. Although the field has historically been a target of inquiring, there has been some action towards its development fostered by the introduction of Resolution n° 002/2003 by the Federal Council of Psychology, with the creation of the Sistema de Avaliação dos Testes Psicológicos (Satepsi, Psychological Testing Assessment System) and by the fact that the year 2011 was declared to be The National Year of Psychological Assessment. Since then, important advances have been made seeking better methods, techniques, and assessment instruments.


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How to Cite

NAKANO, T. de C. (2023). Presentation Thematic section: Psychological Assessment. Psychological Studies, 34(2). Retrieved from