Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Calcitonin, carcinoma, Thyroid gland, Screening massAbstract
Medullary thyroid carcinoma is characterized by specific histological properties and by the production of a tumor marker called calcitonin. This neoplasm corresponds to 5 to 10% of all thyroid cancers. Cure or prevention of medullary thyroid carcinoma is usually achieved when genetic screening and/or biochemical programs are used on all members of families that carry the gene, whether associated or not with other endocrine diseases. Determination of the immunohistochemical properties of thyroid cells and serum calcitonin levels has identified patients at high risk of medullary thyroid carcinoma. Thus, this study presents the follow-up of two patients with a history of thyroid disorders in the
family, seen at the Head and Neck Surgery Service of the Jundiaí School of Medicine between January 2008 and November 2009. Both patients were submitted to
thyroidectomy and after one year, they no longer presented symptoms of the disease. The screening program consisted of determining serum calcitonin levels and post-thyroidectomy immunohistochemical, anatomical and pathological analyses, which evidenced features characteristic of medullary thyroid carcinoma.
Early diagnosis and treatment of this neoplasm allow the patient to be cured.
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